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Let's Talk "Luxury" Items...

OK, friends. Here is my post about the gift shop that I alluded to on my Facebook page. See this tiger? It was in the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History mammal gift shop. (I apologize for the poor lighting. She/he was directly under a spot light.) 

A friend and I wondered what this huggable tiger cost.

What would guess? Maybe $100? That was my first guess when I first glanced at it. (My two children had purchased $15 small animals.)

But I was wrong.


Wrong, again.

This item had a price tag of $700! I could not believe it! I seriously was in sticker shock.

I don't mean to go on a rant here, but I said to my friend beside me that $700 is just shy of our mortgage payment in rural Virginia! Insanity, friends.

Now, don't get me wrong. I am all about spending money on things with disposable income that bring value to your life! This will sound extremely judgmental and I do try to keep those things to myself, but come on, please! $700 for a stuffed animal is out of this world insanity, peoples! That teaches our children nothing of value. I'd honestly be surprised if the millionaires I've learned from would purchase something like this. They got where they got by being frugal and by continuing to be frugal! They buy nice things but, not like this.

What I'm getting at is, I'm saddened by our economy for allowing this type of consumerism. I know, I know, it's everywhere, and we could list all kinds of examples.

I'd be curious to hear from anyone in the comments who does see value in their life in purchasing enormous fake tigers, though, for the cost of a mortgage payment or decent running vehicle. :)

End rant.

P.S. Before you ask, yes, it's possible that it said $100, and not $700! I did have a witness, though, and we both saw '7'! I wish I'd thought to get a closeup of that ear. Next time.

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