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Showing posts from December, 2016

Slique in 60 Challenge!

January 9 - March 10 Are you looking forward to 2017 goals with anticipation? I don't know about you; I'm ready to feel more energy and to keep improving in areas of business and other personal growth! I'd love for you to lock arms with me and join this challenge that Young Living has put together! The best parts? There is a no fuss, money-back guarantee! There are some awesome prizes! (More about that is below.) If you complete the entire 60-day challenge, everyone earns a prize! You are not alone! Grab an accountability partner, commit to yourself that you can do this , and also join the Facebook group(s) for support! (Hear details in the video.) My personal goals (and also my commitments during the 60-day challenge) are as follows: Lose 5-10 pounds. (This is not all about vanity. Look up "risks of belly fat." I've allowed eating habits to slip into dangerous territory for my long-term health!)  Exercise 3-4 times