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Essential Oil Frequently Asked Questions

These are some questions I get asked often about essential oils so I though I'd compile them all into one convenient spot.

What questions should I ask my essential oil company?

  1. Are distillers on-site?

  2. Do you own your own farms?

  3. Do you send oils to third party laboratories for testing?

  4. Was your land previously treated with pesticides or herbicides?

  5. Do you know how long plant material sits before it goes to the distiller?

  6. What happens to batches that test as an inferior grade? Do you sell them?

  7. Do your suppliers ever use solvents in order to extract more oil from the plants?

  8. Is anything ever taken away from or added to the oil as it is bottled from the distillery?

  9. Do you own GC-MS machines to ensure proper constituents are present and balanced?

  10. If you purchase oils from other farms, do you visit those farms to ensure no chemicals are used?

  11. Is there a laboratory present on every farm to be sure plants are harvested at the precise perfect moment?

  12. Do your distillers use dome- or cone-shaped lids? (Cone-shaped lids were developed by D. Gary Young and produce higher quality oil)

  13. Are your distillers trained in how to pack the cookers, maintain minimal pressure and heat, and monitor the process so that no constituents are lost?

(questions copied with permission from

[caption id="attachment_559" align="aligncenter" width="400"] Hike during trip to visit Young Living Farm in Mona, Utah[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_560" align="aligncenter" width="400"] Photo taken at Mona, Utah farm[/caption]

Why should I buy from Young Living instead of other essential oil companies or my health food store?

  • Farm locations and operations are not confidential and anyone can visit a Young Living farm.

  • D. Gary Young began his training on distillation and chromatographic analysis in France in 1985.

  • D. Gary Young himself personally builds every distiller and trains his distillers in the art of distilling.

  • Young Living owns, co-ops, and partners with farms all over the world so that oils have the highest possible quality.

  • Young Living is the original company for therapeutic oils in the US and is the only company with the Seed to Seal process. Learn more on this essential oil timeline.

Why should I become a Young Living Wholesale Member?

Becoming a wholesale member puts you under no obligation to distribute the oils or "sell." You get a special link that you can share with friends and get credit from their purchases, but there are no minimum sales amounts, ever! In fact, 93% of the wholesale members in Young Living are product users only!

Wholesale members save 24% on everything you order, forever! A wholesale membership also earns you a spot in our online Facebook community and access to our online product and business training. Young Living does not have any monthly minimum purchase requirements, contracts, or annual fees. It truly is risk free. They stand by their products and let them do the talking. To remain an active member, simply purchase 50 PV ($50) in products per year.

If you do find yourself making regular purchases each month or larger orders every few months, then Young Living has a rewards program (called Essential Rewards) where you earn 10-25% back in product credit each month on all of your purchases. It's an amazing program to join if you find that you *want* to purchase regularly (but it’s not a requirement for being a wholesale member).

What do I need to do to get started?

To begin as a Wholesale Member, you simply start by purchasing the Premium Starter Kit. This is the same kit I purchased in 2014 to help me dive into the essential oils journey. It is hands down the most cost effective way to get the most oils at once with a high quality diffuser and jump start your toxin free lifestyle.

With the Premium Starter Kit, you can:

  • Rid your home and protect your family from hidden toxins

  • Become confident in supporting your healthy body, daily!

  • Make your own home, cleaning, beauty and personal care products

  • Save money with truly all natural remedies at 24% off retail prices

  • Find the safest, purest and most effective oils to use in any situation

  • Get your oils and supplements paid for so you can achieve vibrant wellness in all aspects of your life!

Do you think it's impossible to learn how to use essential oils? Think again!

Make sure to contact me once you order so I can make sure to add you to our member’s only Facebook group and other support resources!

How will I know how to actually use them?

One of the benefits of getting a Premium Starter Kit through me is that you get a lot of support! If you want my special welcome gift, I have directions on the essential oils page about how to request it! In that gift pack will be a resource guidebook that will list all sorts of needs that may arise and will be like your oily reference "bible"! I also do webinars and Facebook classes so you can learn more about the oils and products and how to use them. You are free to ask questions during these classes and I'm also just an e-mail away!

Does Young Living only sell essential oils?

NO! Young Living offers entire lines of oil-infused personal care products, supplements, meal replacements, nutrition drinks, beauty products, and so much more!

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