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Self Care

How Do You Practice Self-Care?

My beautiful cousin Haley blogs over at and her latest post reminded me about a blog I want to do about self care!

I currently work full time outside the home, as well as run my online business. I have two children and a spouse, and as you can imagine, finding "me" time is difficult to come by easily. We simply must make ourselves the priority, ladies (along with our faith, that is)! Stop saying "Oh, I need a massage. I'll schedule that 'sometime'!" You know the old saying: "Ain't momma happy, ain't nobody happy!" ;)

As part of my self-care regimen, I recently started pre-scheduling regular chiropractic and half-hour massage visits. I go to my massage first with my favorite therapeutic massage oils in hand (she is wonderful about allowing me to bring whatever oils I need for my massage or my eyebrow waxing, too), and then head to my favorite chiropractor! This works out amazingly well and my chiropractor is thankful for some easier adjustments to perform, too!

Is this something you can try? Can you try adding in regular massages into your schedule? Think about your budget and what fits your wallet, and then build your schedule! I aim for every 6-8 weeks. My back, shoulders, neck, spirit, and family are better for it. Maybe you need to go longer, or maybe you could go every month!

What about you? Do you plan to put you first and pre-schedule your massages? Let me know in the comments!

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